Surrogacy & Egg Donation

We do more than a surrogacy and egg donation organization.

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Family means everything. We believe all child-loving couples deserve to enjoy the wonders of parenthood. We are eager to assist all parties with a guaranteed gratifying experience in your journey.
Viggo Mortensen
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) refers to treatments used to assist people in achieving a pregnancy. ART covers a wide spectrum of treatments.
Babiology Surrogacy & Egg Donation
Sam Abell
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most common and effective type of ART. IVF is a method of assisted reproduction that involves combining an egg with sperm in a laboratory dish.
Babiology Surrogacy & Egg Donation
Ernst Haas
Third Party Reproduction (TPR)
The phrase “TPR” refers to the individual or couple which we call, Intended Parents, that plans to raise the child by using donated eggs, sperm, or embryos and gestational –carrier arrangements in the process of reproduction.
Babiology Surrogacy & Egg Donation
Ernst Haas - copy
Who are potential intended parent(s)?
Intended Parents can be a single man who wants a child, a single woman who has infertility or health risks and cannot carry a child to term themselves, same-sex couples who cannot carry a child themselves, Heterosexual couples struggling with infertility and the inability to carry a child.
Babiology Surrogacy & Egg Donation
Ernst Haas - copy - copy
Gestational Carrier VS. Traditional Surrogate
Gestational carrier is a woman who has an embryo from an intended parent(s) transferred to her womb, so as to bear a child on behalf of the intended parent(s) to delivery. The Gestational Carrier has no genetic relationship with the resulting child. Traditional Surrogate is someone who becomes pregnant with her own egg and the intended father's sperm via intrauterine insemination, in which the sperm is directly injected to the uterus by a reproductive physician or IVF treatment. Therefore, she is genetically linked to that baby. Now days, cases of traditional surrogacy are very scarce.
Babiology Surrogacy & Egg Donation
Ernst Haas - copy - copy - copy
Egg Donation
In recent years, the social tendency for women to postpone having children until later on in life, their fertility is often diminished. In addition, women with ovarian failure, hereditary diseases, chromosomal abnormalities, endometriosis and unknown infertility complications are struggling and unable to conceive a child to fulfill the wish of parenthood. Egg Donation now plays an important role in assisted reproduction and is becoming increasingly common. The process of egg donation involves a donor giving her eggs to an intended parent(s) to increase her chances of having her own biological child.
Babiology Surrogacy & Egg Donation
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